Although garlic is a healthy addition to a balanced diet, eating too much may cause several side effects. For many home chefs, garlic is a favorite spice to cook with, thanks to its pungent taste and aroma. It works especially well in stews, sauces, pizzas, and pasta dishes.
Increased risk of bleeding
One of the most serious side effects of eating too much is an increased risk of bleeding. Especially if you’re taking blood thinners or undergoing surgery UFABET
This is because has antithrombotic properties, meaning that it may prevent blood clots from forming.
Although garlic-induced bleeding is uncommon, one report detailed a case in which a person experienced increased bleeding. After they regularly ate 12 grams of garlic — approximately 4 cloves — per day before surgery.
In another case study, a person experienced excessive discoloration and bruising after surgery. The possible cause was a dietary supplement the person had been taking. Which contained fish oil and 10 mg concentrate, both of which affect blood clot formation.
Thus, it’s important to talk with your healthcare professional before using supplements. If you’re taking any medications or set to have surgery. You should also consult a healthcare professional before adding to your diet.
Garlic breath.
Contains a variety of sulfur compounds, which are often credited with its many health benefits.
However, these compounds may cause bad breath, especially when eaten in large amounts. This is especially true for raw garlic, as cooking decreases the content of these beneficial sulfur compounds.
Still, you can try several home remedies to get rid of garlic breath.