Potential benefits of a Mediterranean diet.

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There are no concrete rules for following the Mediterranean diet. But general guidelines can help you incorporate its principles into your daily routine. The Mediterranean diet has been linked to a long list of health benefits.

Helps with weight loss.

Research has not confirmed that following a Mediterranean diet will cause a person to lose weigh. However, studies have suggested it may be a good long-term option for people seeking to manage their weight UFABET 

Data for people who followed the diet for 5 years indicated they were less likely to gain excess weight than those on other diets.

Benefits include:

  • plenty of variety means the diet is not restrictive and therefore easy to maintain
  • high fiber levels means a person is more likely to feel satisfied for longer and less likely to snack
  • the healthy fats are less likely to cause heart problems linked to obesity

Promotes heart health.

The American Heart Association recommends as an evidence-driven options for preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke.

In 2021, for instance, some researchers compared the effects of the with those of a low fat diet. They concluded that the Mediterranean diet was more effective at slowing the progression of plaque buildup in the arteries. Plaque buildup is a major risk factor for heart disease.

The authors of another study said the Mediterranean diet could support heart health by lowering blood pressure.

Supports healthy blood sugar levels.

The Mediterranean diet may help stabilize blood sugar levels and protect against type 2 diabetes.

Studies have suggested that it may:

  • Reduce fasting blood sugar levels
  • improve levels of hemoglobin A1C, a marker used to measure long-term glucose levels
  • Decrease insulin resistance, which stops the body from using insulin to regulate blood sugar levels effectively